Intestimps are mutated snake/dogs that consume food using the mouth under their belly. They are fully carnivorous and get sick when eating berries or greens. They use their extremely good eyesight and prehensile tail to hunt.
They are not good for much other than being companions, however they aren't domesticated and will sometimes turn on their handlers.
- (Semi-open; they can be made if all the traits on the sheet are identical/unchanged, ears being an exception.)
- No mouth or nose
- Long neck and body
- Tail resembles/is like an intestine
- Underbelly has a mouth
- Heart-shaped chest that is semi-translucent and inflated
- Can have any ears
Carnivoids are small carnivorous creatures with hearts of gold much like a golden retriever. They often travel in packs or make strong bonds with succubites.
Carnivoids often scavenge for meals with false mouths on their faces to appear less threatening.They are small but they are mighty. They also have pocket dimensions in their pouches for easy storage of food so they don't have to scavenge as often.
It is advised you don't pet a Carnivoid on the back as to not accidentally get bit by their real mouth. Remember, carnivoids look small and cute but have a deadly bite.
- (Open to create as long as it follows the sheet's traits)
- Pupils can be shaped like a heart, an X, or an O
- The mouth on their face is a fake -- their real mouths can be anywhere on the back
- Toe beans can be shaped like: diamonds, hearts, spades, or stars
- Goop can be any color